Welcome to Mayfield Fitness

    Make yourself feel at home - read blog entries, check out my books, or just shoot me a message about whatever.

    Enjoy your stay!

    Come and hang with me @ Bodybuilding.com

    Hey guys, If you’ve found your way to this site, you may notice that it’s fairly bare bones at the moment. Not a whole lot of content. Well, I kinda have an excuse - I wrote some books. So I’m only just getting together some of my materials and...

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    Nutrition & Training F.A.Q.

    Hey guys, You may have noticed that I’ve added a F.A.Q. section to this site that will aim to answer the most common Nutrition and Training questions that people tend to have. I have covered most of them in my books, but it’s clear that not everyone will...

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    Flexible Dieting Handbook is now LIVE

    I’m glad to report that my second book - “Flexible Dieting Handbook” is now published and live on Amazon. Check it out here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y44TQXU   Unlike my first book “Lose Weight Without Dieting”, the second...

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    Project and Book updates

    Hey guys, As you may have noticed the site is quite empty at the moment, but don’t worry - that’s about to change soon. I’ve been holding out on publishing content until I have some of my other projects under wraps. Currently, my first book...

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    So it Begins…

    Today is the day. Today www.mayfieldfitness.net is launched. You won’t find much content yet, but it will come. I have dozens of articles in the works and I will no doubt post regular blog entries to boot. So go ahead, bookmark the site and keep checking back...

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