High protein diets have always been under debate in the health and fitness community. Many people believe a high protein diet can be dangerous and put strain on the liver whilst others believe a high protein diet could transform your health. It’s important to first understand what they mean by “high”.

    How much protein is high?

    Unfortunately the media loves to work with the extremes. A high protein diet for a professional bodybuilder would be roughly 500g a day. This is of course ridiculous for the average gym goer. The infographic below shows the benefits of a high protein diet in the region of 1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. A far more realistic and achievable number. Regardless, bodybuilding supplements may be used to reach your daily protein goal. Consuming a high protein diet can be difficult but the benefits can far outweigh the extra effort of meal preparation or adding a few extra scoops of whey a day!

    So, why is protein good for you? Check the following infographic and let us know your favourite benefits in the comment section below.


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